aXiom Introduction

The first video in this series looks at our unique aXiom technology where we explore the differences between the traditional Charge Transfer and Sinusoidal Tx drive, which is the new and unique aXiom technology TouchNetix offers with over 100 times higher sensitivity.


Check out our next E2E video covering our AutoTune feature within our development software TouchHub 2. By using our AutoTune feature users can easily configure their touchscreen modules according to their size and intended environment. Previously, this would have been a very time consuming and technical process but hear more from our Applications Engineer, Ben Avery who will tell you how TouchNetix have simplified this process…

80 dB SNR

Watch our E2E video which looks at Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) and how it can affect your touchscreen designs.

Our General Manager (Americas), John Carey usefully explains the difference between Charge Transfer and Sinusoidal Tx and shows how our aXiom technology can now operate with 80 dB (decibels) SNR!